General Questions and Answers

Easy Trip Windows Version

Q1: How do I edit the "FROM/TO DESTINATION" on a Reservation?

A1: The From/To Destination is selected from the Rate Chart field. The Rate Chart field is located on the Basic Information Tab of the Reservation Edit Screen, in the top right hand column. To edit the From/To Destination or the Rate, click on the ">>" button next to the Rate field.

Q2: What is meant by the Charge Screen?

A2: The expression Charge Screen or Reservation Charge Screen is used to refer to the screen that contains the Charges for the Reservation. The Charge Screen is accessed from the Reservation Edit Screen by clicking on the Charges button.

From the Reservation Charge Screen the following information can be entered:

Q3: I want to pay my Driver's Hourly. How do I enter the number of hours they worked?

A3:  The Driver's Hours must be entered in Reservation Edit before the Hourly pay can be calculated. The Hourly Pay and Driver's Gratuity are added when Posting a Reservation, while creating the Invoice.  

The Driver's hours are entered on the Times/Miles/Fuel Tab located on the Reservation Edit. The Total Hours are the number of hours the Driver will be paid for. Easy Trip calculates the Total Hours by subtracting the two Times shown in blue.  To change which two times appear in blue please contact BG Consulting.

Q4: What is the Status field used for on a Reservation?

A4: The Status field is located on the Reservation Edit Screen in the lower right corner. The data for this field can be any type of information that would be useful to your company. To add or edit the exiting list of entries use the Group Types selection from Options.

Examples of data for this field are as follows:

Q5: Is there a way to avoid Re-Entering the Reservation for a Voided Invoice?

A5: Any Reservation can be duplicated, regardless of whether it has been Posted, Canceled, or Voided. The duplicated Reservation will have the next available Reservation # and can be edited as needed.

Highlight the Reservation to be duplicated from the Reservation Search screen. Click the Options button and then select Duplicate Reservation.

Q6: Our company uses numbers like 1, 2, 3, for the "Time Column" in Routing Information for a Reservation. Why are the entries not appearing in the correct order?

A6: If your Routing entries do not appear in the correct sequence, it can be because of two different issues. First verify the "Date Column" in the Routing to ensure it is correct. The entries in Routing are sorted or organized by the Date Column plus the Time Column.

The purpose of the Date Column is to accommodate Routing Information for a Run that spans more than one calendar date. For example, a Run which starts at 8pm and ends at 2am spans two calendar dates. For the Routing Information that occurs after midnight the Routing Date must be edited so that the 2am entry appears after the 8pm entry.

The other issue that can occur is when non-times are entered in the Routing Time Column and spaces are used. The Time Column data is read from left to right and spaces proceed numbers.

Q7: What is the procedure for changing the Vehicle or Driver's Name?

A7: Changing the Vehicle or Driver's Name involves adjustments to several files in Easy Trip and must be done from Utilities. From Utilities select Update Vehicle Id or Update Worker/Driver Id. Then proceed with the instructions displayed on the screen.

Q8: From Utilities and Options, Reindexing, there is a option to "Pack". What is this and should I be using it?

A8: Packing is a process that will permanently delete entries that have been previously designated as deleted.

The file you may want to Pack is the Groups Types. This file contains the data for rates, account types, run types, vehicle types, etc. Over time you will probably add and delete entries to many of these categories. Packing this file will erase any entries marked as deleted. Files can not be Packed at the time entries are marked deleted because all other users must be logged out of ET to pack or index a file.

Q9: How do I Debit an Open Credit?

A9: To debit an Open Credit proceed to Accounts Receivable and highlight the appropriate bill-to Customer. Next select Options, Debit Memo, Add Memo.  Now enter the amount of Open Credit to Debit in the field next to "Debit Amount". In the "Apply To" box make sure to select the Open Credit option.

Q10: How do I print the Screen?

A10:  From Windows pressing the Print Screen key will copy the screen to the Clipboard. The clipboard information can then be pasted into a word processing program and printed.

( Page Modified on 10/19/03 )

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